
Showing posts from 2012

The Paradise Parade !

Just another evening , with the calm breeze tempting the flocks , the sumptuous rays of the half-baked sun falling ineffectively and the birds tweeting back to their homes , varied emotions swivel with yet another day coming to an end! A walk , along with the best buddies is fittingly the best appreciation that the evening can be rewarded with! ' A long , lonely path which doesnt seem to have an end ' Is the apt description of a long walk with friends , where simply everything else around becomes immaterial , other people around seem invisible,the whole world is got down to the rubble and all barriers are broken !  It is all zeroed down to the friends who are around , where imagination takes a toll , where gossips take center stage and where arguements reconcile ! The trust that is built up in these several minutes together , attains its ultimatum , where joy is divided , pain is shared and empathy is immunized!  It turns out to be a very complicated j...

An Excruciating Exile of an Extraterrestrial

Noted was the day when an extraterrestrial set foot on an entirely aliened place where it had lest wished to land upon. Forcefully pushed into a marathon mission, which is an epitome of its kind. Only the innocent creature that is subject to this roller coaster ride will be heralded to this nauseatic twists and turns throughout the journey. As it steps from a world of joy and freedom to a contrasting world of tension and boredom, adaptation becomes completely unimaginable. Indeed! Needless to say , the extraterrestrial empathizes a student , who has completed high school just about now and has entered into the vast world of an engineering university!  It is really difficult to adjust to the new conditions and all the instructions imposed on them. Implementation of the instructions is a fateful right of every student who had cherished the enigmatic life of a school child. Gone are the days when studies were not just predominant and there was scope for various kinds of co-curricu...

The Strange Change Rage

Some friends are permanent, some friends are temporary, some are touch and go while some are purposeful, some are not so serious and most others are clueless as to where they stand! Whatever might be their status, there seems to be a particular drift of locations which tends to eat upon their relationship! As people move to new institutions or new workplaces, the connectivity among the friends with whom we had energized our time and  fueled  our memories, seem to wither away! They begin to act like a brood of chicks that tether within their barn totally focussed on twitching for their worm with secondary conscience that their flock is just around them!  With a change in surroundings and accumulation of new friends, the importance of the old pals unintentionally reduces! In general, people tend to maintain their strong bonds with the ones who have always been close to their hearts. The real fiasco uproots when the best buddies seemingly accuse themselves to have c...