
Showing posts from April 1, 2012

The Paradise Parade !

Just another evening , with the calm breeze tempting the flocks , the sumptuous rays of the half-baked sun falling ineffectively and the birds tweeting back to their homes , varied emotions swivel with yet another day coming to an end! A walk , along with the best buddies is fittingly the best appreciation that the evening can be rewarded with! ' A long , lonely path which doesnt seem to have an end ' Is the apt description of a long walk with friends , where simply everything else around becomes immaterial , other people around seem invisible,the whole world is got down to the rubble and all barriers are broken !  It is all zeroed down to the friends who are around , where imagination takes a toll , where gossips take center stage and where arguements reconcile ! The trust that is built up in these several minutes together , attains its ultimatum , where joy is divided , pain is shared and empathy is immunized!  It turns out to be a very complicated j...